Monday, January 16, 2017

Caramelized Shallots

I use caramelized shallots as a garnish in many dishes. We especially love it when we sprinkle some on soups, stews, or even just plain white rice. It adds a bit of complexities and "exotic" flavors that one do not find regularly. Using caramelized shallots as a garnish is quite common in many cuisines of South East Asia.

I made some over the weekend for the dinner party that we hosted. In fact, I made a rather huge batch, which I intend to store in an airtight container and use it for the next few weeks to sprinkle over many dishes.

To make this, you need to thinly slice shallots, as many as you want. For this one, I had 10 shallots. Then, using a heavy skillet (better heat distribution so that your shallots caramelize evenly), heat about a 1/3 cup oil (yes, you will use quite a bit of oil, but read on) for that much shallots. If you drop a piece of shallots and it sizzles, then the oil is hot enough and you can pour all of the shallots into the pan.

Sprinkle about 1/4 teaspoon salt, and saute the shallots over medium heat. You don't have to saute it constantly, maybe every minute or so, but you do need to monitor it closely. This is how it usually look in the beginning.

It may look a bit wet and soggy, but just continue on. Eventually, you'll start seeing caramelized bits and pieces.

Lower the heat just a bit if it is browning too fast, but it is not necessary if you are diligent in stirring it. Eventually, it will become caramelized.
I like it this color, or even slightly more.

When it is caramelized, drain it on a paper towel, but save as much as the oil in the pan as possible.

Let it cool down and then using your fingers, or with forks, separate them out (like shredding meat) if they become a clump. The shallots should be light and crispy after it has cooled down.

Now, for any leftover oil in the pan, I usually save that. It is very flavorful, and I usually use it to cook fried or scrambled eggs, saute vegetables, etc. So don't throw out that flavorful oil.

I'll post a few dishes some time soon where I use these caramelized shallots as a garnish.


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